Note: Please see the included instruction manual for details.
Frequency of use
Flash levels | Attachments | First two to three months |
After first two to three months |
After stopping use for a while |
Body and V zone | Lv.1~5 | No attachment | Once a week | As needed (About once a month) |
Once a week |
I/O zones | Lv.1.3.5 | Point care | Once a week | As needed (About once a month) |
Once a week |
Women's Face | Lv.1~5 | No attachment or Point care |
Once a week | As needed (About once a month) |
Once a week |
Men's face | Lv.1~5 | No attachment or Point care |
Once a week | As needed (About once a month) |
Once a week |
Whole body* | Lv.1.3.5 | Beauty Skin Care | Once a day | Once a day | Once a day |